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Rechargeable lead-acid battery 18Ah/12V


Nominal voltage



18 Ah

Dimensions (Height x Width x Depth)

167 x 181 x 77mm


5.1 kg

Internal resistance

~ 16.5mΩ (when battery is charged)

Maximum discharge current

204 A (5s)

Voltage charge [25°C]

Standby use: from 13.38 V to 13.8 V (-20mV°C), Cycle use: from 14.4 V to 14.7 V (-30mV°C)

Maximum charging current

7.2 A

File name Description  
General manual FENIKS_07.04.21.pdfUser manual 1.24 MB
ZEUS FX-18_ENG_17.05.21.pdfUser manual 1.42 MB
deklaracja_akumulatory_2022-sig.pdfCertificate 806.41 KB
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