NOVUS wireless monitoring system NV-WIFISET-1

The wireless network monitoring system is an extension of the range of NOVUS cable video surveillance systems. Cameras and recorder transmit the image wirelessly in a Wi-Fi network. These devices work in 802.1b/g/n standards in the 2.4 GHz band and use closed transmission protocols that ensure high quality of this transmission, immunity to interference and security. Thanks to the use of closed protocols, unauthorized persons can not directly connect to cameras and the recorder via a Wi-Fi network.

The priority is to maintain the connection, therefore the protocol reacts in an adaptive way to the presence of interference and adjusts the degree of image compression and the number of frames transmitted per second, so that the connection between the camera and the recorder is maintained for as long as possible. However, if the specified interference level is exceeded, the connection may be broken. In this case, the devices continue to operate and after the level of interference has decreased or are gone, the connection is automatically established - the user does not have to do anything. The cameras and recorder are connected directly to each other, and the pairing of devices is done in the recorder menu and requires confirmation in the camera.

NV-WIFISET-1 is a complete assembly set consisting of a recorder with 1 TB hard disk, four wireless cylindrical cameras with a resolution of 2 Mpx, with an infrared radiator, along with power supplies and additional accessories.

The recorder has the option of cyclically recording images from cameras, which allows archiving of slowly changing processes, eg construction progress. The recorders cooperate with the RXCamView mobile application for Android and iOS platforms, as well as with the NHDR-5000Viewer application for PC and Mac units.

Rejestrator ma możliwość cyklicznego zapisu obrazów z kamer, co pozwala na archiwizację wolnozmiennych procesów, np. postępów budowy. Rejestratory współpracują z aplikacją mobilną RXCamView na platformy Android i iOS, a także z aplikacją NHDR-5000Viewer na jednostki PC i Mac.


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