NMS ADVANCED CONTROL (version V4) new features.


New features in NMS ADVANCED CONTROL version V4:

• The new manufacturer's program V.12.0 (firmware) for all models of controllers cooperating with this version and the option to transfer it from the configuration window of the NMS AC program.

• Four new models of KDH-KZ3000 integrated and biometric controllers.

• Work with multiple NMS AC servers simultaneously with selected NMS AC client stations (multi-client, paid license).

• Visualization of global zones integrated with virtual zones on panels (anti-passback global in preparation, paid license)

• Registration and settlement of working time based on defined working time schedules and rapid presence control based on events from selected KD system readers (integration with RCP terminals in preparation, paid license).

• Multi-read card (2 or 3 time) for unlocking/locking the door permanently or turning the control output on/off.

• PLAY function for playing archive videos on a recorder or computer with NMS1 and new controls to support this option on the panels.

• New, more intuitive context menus on the panels and new icons in the setup of the program.


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